Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Your five minutes of fame [4]: Finding Mr. Right

Dear Tobias- am certainly mesmerized by your offer. I would love to promote myself in two ways.I am an attractive 50 something looking to find the ultimate product...Mr. Right. If you can not support the finding of love what can you support? I am also I fiber artist that works making silk bowls and also collages using techniques and materials I learned about in Japan. I am just starting to write my blog to support everyone in the arts and get them to think a little about the world and the universe.

Want your own 5 minutes of fame? Read more from here…


Sara Kersten said...

I like this project. I believe I would have to think a bit before I wrote down my presentation.

George said...

You know what is funny, when clicking the ´next blog´ button repeatedly I alternate between this interesting blog and something about forklifts (not my type of thing).

But Tobias, your blog becomes a guidebook to other blogs this way. Funny how things turn out, eh?

The Rejection Queen said...

It's weird. There must be something wrong because up until Monday it blogspot was randomly sending me to different blogs when I pushed the next blog button but now everyday no matter what I am automatically sent to your blog and I can't view anyone elses lol

The Rejection Queen said...

btw I am Finnish. Fins unite!!